Latest video up – 2-Month Travel Vlog – Sweden, NY, Ecuador & Thailand
Wow – where did the time go on this world-wide trip? 4-continents and many amazing memories & peoples.
Includes footage from:
- Gaia Sagrada Ayahuasca & San Pedro Retreat
- Hiking in Cajas National Park
- City of Cuenca
- Hiking & Waterfall in town of Vilcabamba
- Kambo (frog) medicine ceremony
I plan on doing 12-day men’s retreats for next year’s travels (Peru, Ecuador, Thailand) – if interested, please message me directly.

My morning ritual for the past few weeks living in the mountains – smudging with sage, meditation, gratitude journaling, reading a book (King by Elliott Hulse) and eating fresh healthy food for breakfast

View from Hosteria Izhcayluma, Vilcabamba

The beautiful family I stayed with (AirBnB)